International Advisory Panel
The Foundation for Jewish Heritage has assembled an International Advisory Panel to support its work comprised of leading experts in Jewish heritage or in the conservation and preservation of historic buildings.
Joe Abrams Archaeologist, Director at Abrams Archaeology Ltd and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
Lucia Conte Aguilar Researcher and Lecturer in the Jewish History and Heritage of Spain at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona and President of Tarbut Sefarad
Peter Aiers Chief Executive of the Churches Conservation Trust and formerly the first Conservation Officer employed by the Church of England
Renato Athias Professor of Anthropology and Museology at the Federal University of Pernambuco and Vice-Chair of the Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Luca Baraldi Professor of Religious Cultural Heritage, Higher Institute of Religious Studies, Vicenza
Marjetka Bedrač Co-ordinator and Programmer at the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Slovenia
Graham Bell Director of Cultura Trust, member of the Board of Europa Nostra and Advisory Panel of its '7 Most Endangered' programme
Eleonora Bergman Historian of synagogue architecture, involved in conservation of historic monuments and sites, former Director of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw
Michael Berkowitz Professor of Modern Jewish History in the Dept. of Hebrew & Jewish Studies at University College London
Herbert Block Member of the US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad and former Assistant Executive Vice-President of the Joint Distribution Committee
Maros Borsky Director of the Jewish Community Museum and Slovak Jewish Heritage Centre in Bratislava
Rickie Burman former Curator and Director of the Jewish Museum London
Miranda Crowdus Research Associate at the European Centre for Jewish Music at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Susan Denyer World Heritage Adviser to the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and Secretary of ICOMOS-UK
William Filmer-Sankey Director of Alan Baxter Associates and former Director of the Victorian Society
Mohammad Gharipour Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning at Morgan State University, Baltimore and Director and Founding Editor of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture
Alex Goldberg Barrister, Chaplain, Human Rights activist and Head of Heritage at the United Synagogue in London
Marc Grellert Professor in the Digital Design Unit of the Faculty of Architecture, Darmstadt University of Technology and Co-Founder of Architectura Virtualis GmbH
Ruth Ellen Gruber Journalist, Author and Co-ordinator of the Jewish Heritage Europe website
Richard Halsey MBE President of the British Archaeological Association, Chair of Jewish Heritage UK and former Head of Places of Worship Advice at English Heritage
Jennie Hawks Director of Art Alive in Churches and Chair of the Nominations Committee and Member of the Governance Committee of Future for Religious Heritage
Maciej Hofman International and EU affairs consultant, former Policy Officer at European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, and former Senior Expert at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland
Tharik Hussain Travel Writer, Journalist and Cultural Consultant on Islamic Heritage
Bente Kahan Chair of the Bente Kahan Foundation, Director of the Center for Jewish Culture and Education in Wroclaw, and singer, actress and playwright
Edward Kessler MBE Founder Director of the Woolf Institute on Interfaith Relations and Fellow of St Edmund's College, Cambridge
Alexander von Kienlin Director of the Institute of Building and Scientific Director of Bet Tfila – Research Unit for Jewish Architecture in Europe, Technical University Braunschweig
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Chief Curator of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and Professor Emerita of Performance Studies at New York University
Baron Julien Klener Honorary President of the Consistoire Central Israélite de Belgique and President of the National Monument for the Belgian Jewish Martyrs Foundation
Rudolf Klein Professor of Architectural History at Szent Istvan University, Budapest
Uwe Koch Head of the German National Heritage Board and former Director of Historic Monuments, Memory Culture and Museums in the State of Brandenburg
Tomas Kraus Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic
Sergey Kravtsov Senior Research Associate of the Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tony Kushner Professor of the History of Jewish/non Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton and past Chair of Jewish Heritage UK
Eric Langham Founder of Barker Langham and former Head of Exhibitions and Collections at the Commonwealth Institute London
Aaron Lawton Principal of Aaron Lawton Associates and Fellow and past Chair of the Association for Heritage Interpretation
Deborah Lazarus Consultant at Arup Group Ltd.
Helise Lieberman Director of the Taube Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland
Vladimir Levin Director of the Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rachel Lichtenstein Author and Social Historian, Associate Professor of English and History at Manchester Met University and Co-Director of the Centre for Place Writing
Stuart MacDonald Managing Partner at corporate financiers Bride Valley Partners, Treasurer of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Resonance FM broadcaster and on Advisory Boards of London Musicians’ Collective and Actors’ Centre.
Miroslav Malinovic Associate Professor and Chair for history and theory of architecture and building heritage preservation, University of Banja Luka
Vesna Marjanovic Secretary General of Europa Nostra Serbia, Rapporteur of Europe’s Endangered Heritage at the Council of Europe, Chair of the Committee on Culture of the National Assembly of the Serbian Parliament, Board member European Museums Forum
Joanna Michlic Social and Cultural Historian, Founder of Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Project on Families, Children, and the Holocaust at Brandeis University Boston and an Honorary Senior Research Associate at the UCL Centre for the Study of Collective Violence, the Holocaust and Genocide, UCL Institute for Advanced Studies London
Fiyaz Mughal OBE Founder of Faith Matters and Muslims Against Antisemitism
Alec Nacamuli Chair of Sephardi Voices UK, and Council Member of the Association Internationale Nebi Daniel - Heritage of Jews from Egypt
David Palterer Architect, Professor in the School of Architecture of the Politecnico of Milan in Mantua and Board member of the Museo Ebraico di Bologna Foundation
Peter Phillips Principal of Orwell & Peter Phillips Conservation Architects in Sydney Australia and ICOMOS International Vice-President for the Asia-Pacific region
Dan Press Architect specialising in heritage and conservation of listed buildings and sites at Purcell Architecture Limited
Ferenc Olti Former CEO of large IT companies, active in the Jewish communal life in Hungary and internationally, developer of the Balatonfüred Synagogue project
Antony Polonsky Emeritus Professor of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University and Chief Historian of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Max Polonovski General Curator of Jewish Heritage at the French Ministry of Culture and Director of the Museum of Plans-Reliefs
Piotr Puchta Director General of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ), former Ambassador-at-large for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, and former Head of the Polish Delegation to The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
Ilia Rodov Chair of the Dept. of Jewish Art and Dept. of Multidisciplinary Jewish Studies at Bar Ilan University and Editor of ‘Ars Judaica’
Jonathan D. Sarna Retired Professor of American Jewish History in the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and Director of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University
Edwin Shuker Vice-President of the European Jewish Congress and activist on behalf of Jews from Arab countries
Neil Silberman Founder of Coherit Associates, President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Heritage Interpretation and Presentation and Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Benedicte Selfslagh World Heritage & Cultural Heritage Expert, Panel Chair of the European Heritage Label and President of ICOMOS Belgium
Oddbjørn Sørmoen Special Director of KA Norwegian Association for Church Employers and Board Member of Stiftelsen UNI
Crispin Truman OBE Chief Executive of the Campaign to Protect Rural England and former Chief Executive of the Churches Conservation Trust
Susanne Urban Head of Research and Information, Department on Antisemitism at Marburg University, former Managing Director of the SHUM-Sites: Speyer, Worms and Mainz (UNESCO World Heritage)
Jouetta Van Der Ploeg Cultural Consultant, Board member European Museums Forum, former Museum Director
Jurgita Verbickiene Associate Professor in the Dept. of History at Vilnius University and Director of the Centre for Studies of the Culture & History of East European Jews
Annette Weber Professor of Jewish Art and Culture at the University of Jewish Studies Heidelberg and former Curator at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt
Roger White Director of Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage and member of Historic England Advisory Committee
Tomasz Włodarski Deputy Director of the Małopolska Institute of Culture in Krakow with focus on strategic planning and international cooperation
Christopher Young Independent Heritage Consultant and former Head of International Advice at English Heritage