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A Letter of Support from Sir Simon Schama

We were delighted that our trustee Sir Simon Schama CBE, a leading historian and television presenter, has sent us the following message of support.

Advocacy such as this is so important to our work in preserving Jewish built heritage, lending an important voice to our lobbying and fundraising work.

A message of support 

The Foundation for Jewish Heritage is an astonishing organisation, uniquely dedicated to preserving Jewish built heritage in danger. It was a cause that I felt compelled to support and I have proudly been a Trustee since its launch nine years ago.

Jewish heritage is especially vulnerable because of the events that befell the Jewish people in the 20th century – mass migration, expulsions and the Holocaust.

The Foundation's focus is on the historic synagogues of Europe, and we conducted research to map the 3,347 historic synagogues that survived post 1945. Less than a quarter are today functioning synagogues; the majority are either used for other purposes in various states of repair, or are abandoned. Often, they are the last physical evidence of centuries of Jewish life.

Our mission is to preserve this legacy and turn the most significant synagogue sites in peril into profound places of education on the lost Jewish life. It is in many places now a forgotten story.

The Foundation is a small charity with a big mission. We urgently need funds to expand our work, and our impact. We are involved in a race against time to save Jewish history. I hope that you will join us and support this very special cause.


Sir Simon Schama


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The Foundation for Jewish Heritage is a UK Registered Charity No 1162111

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